Knowledge Worker is “Individual/Employee who consistently develops their knowledge & utilizes it in their field of work.” (Peter Drucker, 1969)
The characteristics of a Knowledge Worker are summarized in the SMART Knowledge Worker as follows:
Knowledge is the ability to carry out work efficiently and effectively. Knowledge or Knowledge owned by employees is a very valuable asset in a company (Intangible Asset). Knowledge is divided into 2, namely:
“Knowledge Management” according to Karl Eric Syeiby is creating value by utilizing intangible assets. “Knowledge Management” will increase the added value and competitiveness of the organization. According to Ikujiro Nonaka “in an economy where the only certainty is uncertainty, the one sure source of lasting competitive advantage is Knowledge”.
Knowledge Management Practices in an organization include;
Knowledge is an Asset and Power that must be Managed Wisely in an Organization. Let’s be Knowledge Workers who always develop knowledge and use it for work.